“Vulnerabile bellezza” triumphs in Florence: the docu-film on the earthquake is the best Italian work

Finproject considers social issues an integral part of its business ethics, which is why it has long been committed to improving the quality of life and socio-economic development of national and international communities.

After the tragic effects caused by the 2016-2017 earthquakes that hit our land, Finproject decided to support some of the valuable initiatives that took shape as a reaction to the facts.

An example is precisely the project “Vulnerabile bellezza” that wants to tell the beauty of the Marche Region, of the people who live it and their ties, already existing ties or that were formed after the earthquake.

The reason why Finproject decided to contribute through its XL EXTRALIGHT® brand to the realization of the project is precisely in the involvement of the people who strongly wanted it, making resources and capacities available, each according to their possibilities. A gesture for our territory, for the rebirth of countries and for the fight against their desertification.

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Finproject triumphs at the MF supply chain awards for the best innovation category

The award rewards the company from the Marche for having revolutionized the footwear sector and because it continues to innovate by investing in sustainability.

The MF Supply Chain Awards, dedicated to the most dynamic and innovative companies in the supply chain, the supply chain that is one of the distinctive values ​​of the Italian fashion system, were delivered today to the IBM studios at the end of the first day of the Milan Fashion Global Summit. .

The Finproject Group triumphed in the best innovation category, whose commitment to sustainable innovation was recognized by a jury of experts composed of Fulvia Bacchi (CEO of Lineapelle and dg of Unic concerie Italian), Carlo Capasa (President of the National Chamber of Italian fashion), Raffaello Napoleone (President of Pitti Immagine), Paolo Panerai (editor-in-chief and CEO of Class Editori), Giulia Pessani (Director of Gentleman), Stefano Roncato (Director of MF Fashion) and Flavio Sciuccati (partner of The European House – Ambrosetti).

The motivation with which the jury awarded the company is the following: “Since the 70s, Finproject has revolutionized the world of soles, with the monobloc soles in PVC leather (the George funds, patented in 1978) and the soles in thermoplastic rubber TR. Today it continues to innovate by investing in sustainability ”.

ANSA “Finproject vince per Best Innovation”

corriereadriatico.it “Finproject si aggiudica il prestigioso premio per innovazione e sostenibilità”

ItaliaOggi “Premiati i maestri della filiera”

MF Fashion la supply chain protagonista al MFGS 2019

Italia Oggi 22.10.19

MF Fashion 22.10.19

Finproject Group appoints Matteo Ragni creative director of XL EXTRALIGHT®

The two-time winner of the Compasso d’Oro will lead the brand from the Marche Region, result of the research and creativity of Finproject Industries, which has revolutionised the footwear industry and stimulated innovation, technology and creativity in many other fields, from design to the automotive.
The main challenge will be to make the personality of an ingredient brand explode, ideal for creating extremely versatile, light and surprising products, both for everyday use.
Born in Milan in 1972, Matteo Ragni graduated in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Milan and since 1994 he has been designing and dealing with design in the most diverse fields of industry and crafts, with an interest that focuses more and more on vault design to combine typological function and innovation.
He has worked for many companies, for which he has often integrated the creative director activity into a designer, creating perfectly synchronized communication and production systems.
Relations with Italian and international entrepreneurs allow him to build a modus operandi that respects the DNA and history of each individual brand, in the belief that only in this way can the profession of the designer have an ethics and a function of true evolution.
Over the years he has received some prestigious awards such as the Compasso d’Oro ADI (2001, 2014), the Wallpaper Design Award (2008), the Prize for the Prize for Innovation of the Presidency of the Italian Republic (2012) and the Good Design Award ( 2015).
Finally, he is also a teacher in various Italian and international universities, an art director and an architect.

K 2019 Düsseldorf, 16-23 October 2019

This year, too, as every edition, we will take part to the World’s No. I Trade Fair for Plastic and Rubbers K 2019. The exhibition will take place from 16 to 23 October at the Düsseldorf exhibition centre. An extensive supporting programme supplements the exhibitors’ presentations. Especially noteworthy are the special show titled “Plastics shape the future” and the Science Campus as the forum for exchanges on science and research.

Come and visit our booth from 16 till 23 October 2019 Booth Hall 7 B08



XL EXTRALIGHT® is taking part in the International exhibition for the technical foam manufacturing supply chain. Foam Expo is Europe’s first free-to-attend trade fair for the manufacturers and buyers of technical foam products and technologies, as well as the entire foam supply chain. Come and visit our booth from 10 till 12 September 2019.

Halle 10 Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH Messepiazza 1 70629 Stuttgart Germany

The Finproject Group receives the ELITE certificate from Borsa Italiana

The Finproject Group has received the ELITE certification, issued by Borsa Italiana and reserved for excellent companies with high growth potential.

This certification represents an important recognition of excellence that confirms the Group’s growth path, which is even more competitive today in the international markets and more visible and attractive vis-à-vis investors and the market.



Finproject chosen to “RACCONTARE L’ECCELLENZA. L’informazione ANSA per diffondere il meglio delle Marche in Italia e nel Mondo” – 20 maggio Museo Tattile Statale Omero Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona

Finproject was chosen by ANSA to participate in the event “RACCONTARE L’ECCELLENZA. L’informazione ANSA per diffondere il meglio delle Marche in Italia e nel Mondo” The event had the aim to put the best of the Marche at the center, a ‘plural’ and manufacturing region, rich in history, art and culture, and to focus on the role of ANSA to support the promotion and enhancement of the Marche region’s excellence.


The ultralight plastic has conquered the sneakers.

CORRIERE DELLA SERA L’Economia 04-03-19 http://tiny.cc/fb8u3y

Investire con successo in ricerca e sviluppo può cambiare il destino di un’azienda. Specie se si riesce ad applicare la tecnologia anche in maniera trasversale. Il successo di un prodotto, a volte, ha alle spalle anni di studi e investimenti in innovazione.

About us About us About us About us About us About us About us About us About us About us

Sustainable innovation. Finproject, member of the SPRING cluster.

Finproject, becomes member of the SPRING cluster for the purpose to create synergies among active innovative entities aiming to develop the whole green chemistry sector with the aim to foster a new economy (bioeconomy). 

The Cluster wants to be a stimulus for sustainable innovation, a spring for development and for a systemic growth focused on bioeconomy. An initiative that evolves in constant dialogue with the actors of local areas, in full respect of biodiversity.

Learn more http://www.clusterspring.it/luoghi/finproject-s-p-a-2/


In the 32nd edition of the study, the Morrovalle company is one of the companies that registered the most significant levels of growth in 2017.

The Marche-based company, known worldwide for XL EXTRALIGHT®, light foam material at the base of global successful products such as Crocs shoes and O bag, has registered one of the most significant levels of growth among the companies of the territory , equal to about 50 percentage points compared to 2016.
