On the occasion of the first Annual Meeting held on 12.06.2018 at the Abbadia di Fiastra Nature Reserve, in the presence of 45 business managers from different parts of the world, Finproject’s future results and business plans were presented.

During the annual Meeting, Maurizio Vecchiola shared with the present managers the vision of Francesco Caio, President of Saipem, who told his audience his testimony and experience in the context of a managerial growth path of a large family business.


Press Release



Italia Oggi




Borsa Italiana:


La Provincia di Fermo:


Vivere Macerata:


Cronache Maceratesi:



PLAST 2018 29 May – 1 June at Fieramilano Rho (Milano).

We took part at PLAST. Held in Milan every three years, is one of the most important exhibitions for plastics industry worldwide.

29 May – 1 June 2018.

Hall 09 – Stand B82



XL EXTRALIGHT® on show at Milano Design Week 2018 with a new installation design by Matteo Ragni Design. 17-21 April.

XL EXTRALIGHT® took part again to the Materials Village, at Superstudio in Via Tortona. The installation featuring XL EXTRALIGHT® took the form of two containers, known as viewboxes, in a concept by Matteo Ragni Studio.

Visitors had the chance to immerse themselves a space that presents the technical and expressive characteristics of this remarkable material, which more and more companies are choosing for their products. They include: O-Shoes and O-Bags by Fullspot, the Bounce Chair by Gufram, and I-ultra sun   glasses by Italia Independent.


About us About us About us

XL EXTRALIGHT® INDUSTRIAL PLUS participated at A+A 2017 in Düsseldorf with a new project for Rebook®

Düsseldorf, A+A 2017: XL EXTRALIGHT® INDUSTRIAL PLUS participated at A+A with a new project realized for Rebook®. XL EXTRALIGHT® INDUSTRIAL PLUS is the flexible, durable and unique material of its kind. Ensures the perfect holding of the footwear in the most difficult environmental and working conditions. Anti-static, non-slip and oil resistant, ensures perfect grip and compression set. Result: lightweight and comfortable footwear.

Ethical Code of Finproject Group.

The Board of Directors of Finproject S.p.A. during the meeting dated 05/06/2017, adopted the Ethical Code of the Group.

The document can be consulted at the following link:

Ethical code of Group

About us

Finproject and ALL INCLUSIVE: results in cooperation and key elements of success.


Our commitment together with Comunità solidali nel Mondo.

SELECTION AND ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL In July, staff selection was completed and the following profiles were definitively selected: 2 physiotherapists, 1 occupational therapist, 1 psychologist, 1 social worker, 1 medical manager, 15 community workers. By September 2017, of the 15 test operators will be selected 10 that will begin to contribute to the realization of the KILASIKU CBR Center activities daily, contracted by the contract.

CONSTRUCTION OF THE RBC CENTER On August 26th, the agreement was signed with the company and in October, after the completion of the construction practice at the local authorities, the building will begin.

TRAINING FOR RBC STAFF From April 10th to 14th, there was a preliminary training on disability issues.

RBC CENTER FAMILY SENSITIVITY ACTIVITIES From the third week of July, the first “informal” activities were carried out to raise awareness among family members of disabled children. The hired staff were involved in making the first assessments of some disabled children in the Kawe district.

LOCAL DISCUSSION IN DAY AND SALAAM DISABILITY In the four areas of KAWE, where the survey was conducted, 2 awareness days (7 and 9 August 2017) were called SCREENING DAYS. These days were aimed at reaching, directly in the main public gathering places of the community, the possible mothers or families who are in charge of a disabled person.



The ALL INCLUSIVE project officially started in Tanzania in April the 21th.


Our commitment together with Comunità solidali nel Mondo.

Finproject has long promoted the improvement of life quality and socioeconomic development of national and international communities, considering every social activity part of its own business ethic.

With the ALL INCLUSIVE project, the company is in the forefront tackling the lack of specialized healthcare facilities that restricts the access to rehabilitation services in developing areas.

The project aims to improve the disabled people life in Tanzania by adopting an approach based on the principles of community rehabilitation, combining: health recovery, economic empowerment (EE) and socio-educational inclusion.

Thanks to the agreement signed by the President of “Comunità solidali nel Mondo” Michelangelo Chiurchiù along with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Finproject offers its added value to the project and guarantees economic resources over the three years activities to build a Rehabilitation Centre in Dar Es Salaam: a metropolis populated by over 3 million of inhabitants; where disabled children needs and their relative families, require urgent care.

At the inauguration event attended important personalities of institutional, social and economic local scenario, involved in the disability world at distinct level, including the vice commissioner at the disability department of social security in Tanzanian Government, Mrs. Josephine Lyengi, and furthermore the Italian Ambassador in Tanzania, Roberto Mengoni.


Events Events Events

XL EXTRALIGHT® with a project at Milan Design Week 2017 inspired by his new brand line. 4 – 9 April


We were at Milan Design Week 4-9 April 2017: XL EXTRALIGHT® takes part again to the Materials Village, at Superstudio Via Tortona, with an interior design project inspired by its new brand line that communicates  all the qualities and several possible application of this special material, able to make a difference in any project is involved in.

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Federica Vacca & Tami Warshavski, Interdisciplinary Research and Education Agenda, Florence, Mandragora, 2016. – CHAPTER 6. “THE SOLID SIDE OF INNOVATION” pag. 64
