XL EXTRALIGHT® is taking part in the International exhibition for the technical foam manufacturing supply chain. Foam Expo is Europe’s first free-to-attend trade fair for the manufacturers and buyers of technical foam products and technologies, as well as the entire foam supply chain. Come and visit our booth from 10 till 12 September 2019.
The Finproject Group receives the ELITE certificate from Borsa Italiana
The Finproject Group has received the ELITE certification, issued by Borsa Italiana and reserved for excellent companies with high growth potential.
This certification represents an important recognition of excellence that confirms the Group’s growth path, which is even more competitive today in the international markets and more visible and attractive vis-à-vis investors and the market.
Finproject chosen to “RACCONTARE L’ECCELLENZA. L’informazione ANSA per diffondere il meglio delle Marche in Italia e nel Mondo” – 20 maggio Museo Tattile Statale Omero Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona
Finproject was chosen by ANSA to participate in the event “RACCONTARE L’ECCELLENZA. L’informazione ANSA per diffondere il meglio delle Marche in Italia e nel Mondo” The event had the aim to put the best of the Marche at the center, a ‘plural’ and manufacturing region, rich in history, art and culture, and to focus on the role of ANSA to support the promotion and enhancement of the Marche region’s excellence.
XL EXTRALIGHT® and SCUOLA POLITECNICA DI DESIGN SPD present A.X.A.P. as extra as possible
XL EXTRALIGHT® and SCUOLA POLITECNICA DI DESIGN SPD present A.X.A.P. as extra as possible. Project curated by Matteo Ragni Studio. The Litta Variations / Opus 5 9-14th April 2019 Palazzo Litta Corso Magenta 24, Milan.

Finproject opens a new plant in Mexico to grow in the world
Finproject today announced the opening of new plant in Mexico – Leon (MX), which will implement the research, development and implementation of high-tech products for the footwear and other industrial segments.
The aim is to continue the process of internationalization, continue the expansion in the three sectors that distinguish it – footwear, technical products and compounding – and consolidate its leadership in the segment of cross-linked plastic materials obtained thanks to the acquisition of 2017 by PADANAPLAST, the first Italian company to develop crosslinkable halogen free flame retardant materials.
The ultralight plastic has conquered the sneakers.
CORRIERE DELLA SERA L’Economia 04-03-19 http://tiny.cc/fb8u3y
Investire con successo in ricerca e sviluppo può cambiare il destino di un’azienda. Specie se si riesce ad applicare la tecnologia anche in maniera trasversale. Il successo di un prodotto, a volte, ha alle spalle anni di studi e investimenti in innovazione.
Finproject for communities in solidarity in the world. The rehabilitation center was inaugurated in Dar es Salaam.
The community-based rehabilitation center opened in Dar es Salaam “KILA SIKU CBR”. Kila Siku in Swahili language means every day. And Kila Siku is the name of the first rehabilitation center inaugurated on February 14th. The inauguration, attended by many parents and children with disabilities, was attended by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Tanzania, Ummy A. Mwalimu and the Italian Ambassador Roberto Mengoni.
More info on the website: www.solidalinelmondo.org/kila-siku/
Sustainable innovation. Finproject, member of the SPRING cluster.
Finproject, becomes member of the SPRING cluster for the purpose to create synergies among active innovative entities aiming to develop the whole green chemistry sector with the aim to foster a new economy (bioeconomy).
The Cluster wants to be a stimulus for sustainable innovation, a spring for development and for a systemic growth focused on bioeconomy. An initiative that evolves in constant dialogue with the actors of local areas, in full respect of biodiversity.
Learn more http://www.clusterspring.it/luoghi/finproject-s-p-a-2/
In the 32nd edition of the study, the Morrovalle company is one of the companies that registered the most significant levels of growth in 2017.
The Marche-based company, known worldwide for XL EXTRALIGHT®, light foam material at the base of global successful products such as Crocs shoes and O bag, has registered one of the most significant levels of growth among the companies of the territory , equal to about 50 percentage points compared to 2016.
Finproject, the Italian Industrial Group leader in the production of special plastic materials, announces the appointment as General Manager of Gerolamo Caccia Dominioni, which also joins the Company’s Board of Directors. At the same time, Euro Vecchiola, founder of the Group, was appointed Honorary Chairman.
With the task entrusted to Caccia Dominioni, Finproject, already present in Italy, Romania, India, China, Vietnam, Mexico, Canada, Turkey and Brazil aims to consolidate and develop the group through a further phase of internationalization, in particular towards the markets of Asia and Central America.
The program will also prepare the company for listing on the Italian Stock Exchange scheduled for 2019.
Gerolamo Caccia Dominioni will report directly to Maurizio Vecchiola, CEO of Finproject.
Press Release
Finproject : Gerolamo Caccia Dominioni nuovo d.g.
27 July 2018 16:01
MILANO (MF-DJ)–Il gruppo industriale Finproject ha nominato Gerolamo Caccia Dominioni nuovo direttore generale. Il manager entra anche a far parte del Cda.
Contestualmente, informa una nota, il fondatore Euro Vecchiola e’ stato nominato Presidente Onorario.
Con l’incarico affidato a Caccia Dominioni – che riportera’ direttamente all’a.d. Maurizio Vecchiola – l’azienda machigiana punta a consolidare e sviluppare ulteriormente il gruppo attraverso una nuova fase di espansione verso l’estero, in particolare verso i mercati di Asia e Centro America. Il programma preparera’ inoltre l’azienda allo sbarco a piazza Affari, previsto nel 2019.
Il nuovo d.g. arriva dal gruppo Benetton, dove ricopriva il ruolo di a.d.. In precedenza, e’ stato per 10 anni ai vertici di Warner Music, prima come presidente Sud Europa, poi in qualita’ di presidente Europa, fino ad assumere la carica di Executive Vice President di Warner Music International. In passato ha ricoperto incarichi di responsabilita’ anche in Time Warner e Philips Italia. com/ofb