About us

Finproject is among the top 3 supply chain companies made in Italy

Finproject is among the top 3 supply chain companies made in Italy, according to MF Fashion magazine. The second place is a recognition that is based on tangible data: a 140% increase in revenues by 2022, a solid 26% presence in the Italian market, and of course a vision aimed at sustainability with highly innovative products.

For more info read the following link:

Finproject MF Fashion-book

Finproject MF Fashion Daily Article

Finproject is part of the SEAMLESS-PV Project

We are part of the @SEAMLESS-PV project, once again thanks to our Roccabianca plant and its cutting-edge compound. A Horizon Europe project for the development of advanced manufacturing equipment, processes andmultifunctional photovoltaic (PV) solutions, enabling the deployment of integrated photovoltaic (IPV) applications.

A curious gaze at our nearest environment allows identifying endless opportunities in which the implementation of IPV solutions could be addressed, bringing synergies, innovation and added value to important market segments such as infrastructures, transport, agriculture, urban environment, low-power electronic devices, etc.

In this context, SEAMLESS-PV is conceived to answer this challenge by addressing the development of

  • advanced flexible automated photovoltaic equipment manufacturing based on high efficiency c-Si technologies 
  • the upscale of new manufacturing processes presenting key features (e.g. lightness, enhanced integrability) and cost reductions that enable the seamless integration of photovoltaic over final applications
  • the development of a set of IPV products demonstrating cost-competitiveness and compliance with market requirements and expectations.

The project will demonstrate this new manufacturing capacity at pilot level and showcase the opportunity for European IPV manufacturers and endusers to unleash the potential of this sector. 

Learn more on the project site and discover the SEAMLESS-PV demo cases: https://www.seamlesspv.eu/



Eni Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2022

The Board of Director of Finproject S.p.A. and of Finproject India Private Limited approved the Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement respectively during the meet held on May the 26th and on June the 1st 2023.

The documents can be consulted at the following link:

Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2022_Finproject SpA

Finproject India-2022


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Organization and Management Model – Code of Ethics

The Board of Directors of Finproject S.p.A. during the meeting held on March 7h 2023, adopted an update of the new general part of the Organizational and Management Model pursuant the Legislative Decree 231/2001.

The document can be consulted at the following link:

Model 231_Finproject SpA_2023

Ethical Code



Rebranding Finproject

Our company is delighted to share its new brand, which better reflects, in line with Versalis’s (Eni) identity, our strategy as a leading company in the chemical processing and production of ultralight products under the XL EXTRALIGHT® brand.
The Finproject name remains unchanged, conveying our firm sense of belonging and pride, plus the standout features recognised by the market such as innovation, research, versatility, cooperation and passion.
Eni’s iconic six-legged dog symbol takes on new colours, which, for Versalis and thus for Finproject, represent strategy and commitment to sustainability and an increasingly decarbonised product offering.

Finproject: the plant at Ascoli Piceno obtains the certifications for the environment and health and safety

Finproject is glad to announce that has recently obtained the environmental management (ISO 14001) and health and safety in the workplace (ISO 45001) certifications for the Ascoli Piceno plant.

This achievement is an important first step towards the goal of certifying all its Italian sites according to the two international standards: the ISO 14001 standard sets the requirements of the environmental management system with the aim of providing companies with a certifiable management method for the environment protection and to respond to the mutable environmental, social and economic conditions. The ISO 45001 standard, on the other hand, defines standards for improving safety, reducing risks in the workplace and improving the health and well-being of workers.

Finproject’s goal is to extend to all its Italian plants, within three years, the two ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications to certify the company’s commitment to protecting the environment and increasing safety in the workplace, by implementing a system of constant improvement for corporate sustainability.


Eni Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2021

The document can be consulted at the following link:


Eni for Human Rights

The Eni Human Rights Report aims at illustrating its commitment to respect for Human Rights in compliance with the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) and in line with the main recommendations of the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework (published in February 2015).

The document can be consulted at the following link:
Eni for Human Rights

Anti-Corruption Management System Guideline

The Board of Directors of Finproject S.p.A. during the meeting held on September 23, 2020, adopted the Anti-Corruption Guidelines.

The Board of Directors of Finproject S.p.A. during the meeting held on October 28, 2021 implemented and adopted the Anti-Corruption Management System Guideline.

The document can be consulted at the following link:
Anti-corruption Management System Guideline


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Finproject ISCC Plus certified products

Finproject is glad to announce that has recently obtained ISCC PLUS certification at its industrial sites in the Marche and Abruzzo regions for its Bio, Bio-circular and Circular Compounds and Bio, Bio-circular and Circular Plastic Products, produced using sustainable raw materials.

This achievement is an important step towards the goal of offering the market decarbonised and circular products. The availability of sustainable products comes following Finproject’s integration with Versalis (Eni), which in turn has ISCC PLUS certified plants in France (Dunkirk) and Germany (Oberhausen) from which Finproject is supplied with its raw material.

ISCC PLUS is part of the ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) scheme. This voluntary scheme allows companies along the supply chain to monitor and demonstrate the sustainability of their products through the verification of sustainability, traceability and mass balance requirements.

In 2022, Finproject will extend ISCC PLUS certification to its Italian Padanaplast site and plants overseas, demonstrating the strength of its circular economy strategy, focused on an increasing use of sustainable raw materials.