Finproject and ALL INCLUSIVE: results in cooperation and key elements of success.
Our commitment together with Comunità solidali nel Mondo.
SELECTION AND ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL In July, staff selection was completed and the following profiles were definitively selected: 2 physiotherapists, 1 occupational therapist, 1 psychologist, 1 social worker, 1 medical manager, 15 community workers. By September 2017, of the 15 test operators will be selected 10 that will begin to contribute to the realization of the KILASIKU CBR Center activities daily, contracted by the contract.
CONSTRUCTION OF THE RBC CENTER On August 26th, the agreement was signed with the company and in October, after the completion of the construction practice at the local authorities, the building will begin.
TRAINING FOR RBC STAFF From April 10th to 14th, there was a preliminary training on disability issues.
RBC CENTER FAMILY SENSITIVITY ACTIVITIES From the third week of July, the first “informal” activities were carried out to raise awareness among family members of disabled children. The hired staff were involved in making the first assessments of some disabled children in the Kawe district.
LOCAL DISCUSSION IN DAY AND SALAAM DISABILITY In the four areas of KAWE, where the survey was conducted, 2 awareness days (7 and 9 August 2017) were called SCREENING DAYS. These days were aimed at reaching, directly in the main public gathering places of the community, the possible mothers or families who are in charge of a disabled person.